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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Leiser, Gary L.. "The Endowment of the al-Zahiriyya in Damascus." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 27, (1984): 33-55.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Damascus
2. Leiser, Gary L.. "The Madrasa and the Islamization of the Middle East: The Case of Egypt." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 22, (1985): 29-47.
Subjects: Religion/Scholarship
3. Leiser, Gary L.. "Notes of the Madrasa in Medieval Islamic Society." The Muslim World 76, (1986): 16-23.
Subjects: Scholarship
4. Leiser, Gary L.. Review of Mamluk Economics: A Study and Translation of al-Maqrīzī's Ighāthah, edited and translated by Adel Allouche. Journal of the American Oriental Society 115, 4 (1995): 731-732.
Subjects: Economics/Historiography/Individuals--Maqrizi
5. Leiser, Gary L.. Review of Twilight of Majesty: The Reigns of Mamlūk Sultans Al-Ashraf Qāytbāy and Qānṣūh al-Ghawrī in Egypt, by Carl F. Petry. Journal of the American Oriental Society 115, 2 (1995): 337-338.
Subjects: Politics/Individuals--Qaytbay/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri/Foreign relations
6. Leiser, Gary L.. Review of Knowledge and Social Practice in Medieval Damascus, 1190-1350, by Michael Chamberlain. Journal of Islamic Studies 8, 2 (1997): 251-254.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Scholarship/Social relations



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